Cover Page Mockup 3
After looking at my new magazine cover, I realized it did not look like it would attract readers. I made significant changes to make it look more like a magazine than a flier. To start, I used a picture from my trip to the Smoky Mountains in 2015. This picture is a placeholder until I take a trip back to the Smokies to explore hiking trails and get content for my articles and a new picture for the cover. In the meantime, this picture is much less cluttered and allows for more flexibility with text colors and positions. Additionally, I removed the box design I had previously used. I also altered the size of the article titles based on their importance.
Ultimately, this cover looks more intriguing to the reader. The views attract the audience, and the article titles and descriptions show what they can read inside. The updated cover looks more professional as it sticks with one specific color scheme, and the colors depict more of a wilderness and hiking setting than the previous mockup.
LEFT- Updated cover mockup (3) RIGHT- Magazine cover mockup 2
In addition, the updated magazine cover mockup matches the color scheme and organization theme of my table of contents. This makes my magazine pages flow together nicely and create more of a visual attraction to readers.
LEFT- Updated Magazine cover mockup (3) RIGHT- Current Table of contents page